
Control your day: A new approach to Email management using Outlook and GTD

Control your day (CYD) is a new methodology for people using Microsoft Outlook
Jim McCullen, the author of this book, leads the reader step by step to setup Microsoft Outlook using a simple set of folders and rules, to a fully trusted system the GTD way.
Control your day
 CYD uses the standard Outlook entities like categories, folders and rules without the need of any external application to setup an automation for users to organize every single item in their inbox. The benefits will be instantly obvious for people with hundred of inbox items, who lose track of requests they have delegated and struggling between multiple areas of focus, ending up stressed up and feeling unproductive.
This simple yet powerful implementation will help busy Outlook users to manage their tasks and email messages directly from one view and also eliminate the need of filing messages into subject folders.
The book is available from amazon. If Microsoft Outlook is your thing you should check it out.